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Digital Sales Training Course
Welcome to the world of Sales
Common Misconceptions about Sales (4:56)
What is an XDR? (4:31)
Departments (3:42)
Time Management (4:15)
Tools (21:28)
2 Reasons Salespeople FAIL (4:35)
3 Steps of a Sale (2:59)
Your Day to Day, Hour by Hour (3:03)
The Buyer Journey/Sales Funnel (3:33)
What to look for in a Company (5:39)
The Ultimate Investment (4:36)
Quiz #1
Be you, Be yourself
Email, LinkedIn Profile, Voicemail (7:27)
Doing your HW (5:23)
Rejection, Rejection, Rejection (4:13)
Importance of having a Success Oriented Mindset (4:18)
"Always a job market for excellence" (5:01)
Quiz #2
The Meat and Potatoes
Upfront Contract/ Preconceived Notions (5:13)
Cold Call Module (11:09)
Cold Email Module (12:46)
Why Personalization matters (4:03)
Sales Methodologies (3:15)
Importance of Continuing Education & Coaching (3:59)
Quiz #3
Booking your first Demo
ICP (4:33)
Pre-Call Research (6:00)
Post Booking Steps (5:45)
Avoiding and Handling 'No Shows' (5:07)
Relationships with AE's (3:30)
Quota's and Metrics (12:54)
Importance of Pipeline & Prospecting (4:35)
You and Your Manager (3:16)
Objection Handling (7:18)
Embrace your new role (3:08)
Compensation (16:58)
Why in Sales, everyone MUST be winners. (3:15)
Video Prospecting (6:17)
Quiz #4
Landing your first sales gig
Landing a phone call with a Recruiter (6:23)
Landing an in person interview (8:45)
Post interview checklist (7:03)
Offer Letter & Salary Negotiation (7:12)
Ways to stand out during interview process (5:27)
Getting rejected for a position (4:14)
Quiz #5
ABC.........Always Be Closing
EQ- Emotional Intelligence (4:33)
"Job Hopping" (5:03)
Getting Fired & Re-Hired (6:31)
Career Pathways (4:55)
Small Startup vs Established Company (6:44)
10 things that require zero talent (3:36)
"Always be Closing" (2:51)
Daily Gratitude (2:47)
Top Sales Books
Lean on your People (3:14)
KPIs (4:25)
Storytelling (3:00)
Quiz #6
Good Habits
Connections & Networking (3:52)
Building a Personal Brand (4:25)
Power of Active Listening (2:57)
Don't Take it Personally (5:03)
Being Easy to Work With (3:06)
Being Coachable (4:16)
Being Adaptable to change (2:42)
Why SDRs kick A$$ (4:45)
Being Healthy (4:16)
Mentors and Coaches (5:53)
Pay it Forward (2:45)
Glossary & Terms
Quiz #7
Landing a phone call with a Recruiter
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